Player Evaluations & Placements

About the Process

Independent Evaluations Guide Player Placements

Duxbury Youth Soccer conducts evaluations near the middle of each Spring season as part of the process to select teams for the following Fall and Spring seasons. The last set of evaluations occurred on May 22nd and May 23rd, 2023. The next set of evaluations will occur on Monday, May 20th 2024 for U14, Tuesday, May 21st 2024 for U12, and Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 for U10.


Evaluations are conducted by experienced, independent evaluators who are unaffiliated with Duxbury Youth Soccer, the New England Revolution Academy.


Evaluation participation is not mandatory for participation in the program; but this step is necessary to ensure balanced and fair play. 

However, participation is required for players who are to be considered for “Division 1 or 2” teams.


Players who do not wish to be included in evaluations will still be placed on a team; team placement will be determined by the DYSA Selection Committee.


Exceptions to the evaluation rules for players who are injured, ill or otherwise unable to attend may be granted by the DYSA Selection Committee. Parents are to reach out to DYSA if your child is injured, ill or otherwise unable to attend for more information.


Please note that all U10-U14 players must be REGISTERED for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 season to participate in evaluations.

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