If a parent decides to remove a player after finding out their child’s placement,
NO REFUND will be provided
Field Player Team Creation Process
We have an established process to select teams for programs for field players entering 3rd grade and above. The process is designed to result in an objective evaluation of players and selection of teams.
The process includes the following steps:
- DYSA conducts an evaluation session for age group (starting for kids entering 3rd grade) near the middle of the Spring season. Evaluations are conducted by an independent, professional soccer organization, unaffiliated with DYSA. Each field player will be ranked vs. the other DYSA field players in the age group.
- Every DYSA field player will be evaluated by their head coach of the team they play for in the spring. Each team will submit 1 evaluation from the head coach. The head coach will solicit feedback from at least one designated assistant coach before final submission.
- Calibration Match, our DYSA Team Placement Committee endeavors to observe each field player during the spring season at a game, though this isn't always feasible. As a result, the committee may request your child's participation in the calibration match. This will provide them with an additional opportunity to observe your child's play, thereby ensuring we have a comprehensive understanding of our field player pool before we get to our field player/team placement meetings. This invitation is not extended to all field players.
- Once the independent evaluation, the coach’s evaluation is returned and the Calibration Match is complete, the DYS Board members will compile the data and bring the DYSA Team Placement Committee together to discuss the results. The DYSA Team Placement Committee is made up of the DYSA Board members (President, VP of Coastal Youth Soccer, VP of Mini Youth Soccer, Pathway to Soccer Excellence Leader and select board members) and all Head Coach’s (specific to a girls/boys age group).
The following criteria will be used to place field players:
- Assessments during 3rd Party evaluations is the foundational data point (annually in the Spring)
- Input/coach assessment from the previous year/season
- Knowledge of players skills & abilities by coaches & DYSA Team Placement Committee
- Player attitude, work ethic, and commitment
The purpose of multiple evaluations is to avoid a concentration of one opinion (positive or negative) from impacting player selection. Multiple evaluations will also relieve our volunteer coaches from the pressure of team selection.
In the event of injury, illness, or other special circumstances, the DYSA leadership will consider all other completed evaluations conducted by DYSA Leadership, past evaluations, and other knowledge to best assess the field players' particular merits for placement.
DYSA is a member of and plays in the Coastal Youth Soccer League (CYSL). Placement of DYSA teams into select CYSL divisions is conducted by the Competition Committee. Additional League information can be found at
CYSL ranks divisions in the following order with the most competitive teams playing in D1:
- MTOC D1 (highest level of competition)
- DCC (lowest level of competition)
By conducting evaluations, DYSA aims to have teams placed according to their competitive abilities. This helps ensure a positive on-field experience for all players increasing confidence, skills, and passion for the sport. Placement into D1 and D2 will allow the players who want more competitive soccer the ability to remain in-town
for a competitive experience instead of seeking it elsewhere. Placement into DCC division will help retain & develop our players who might otherwise struggle to compete at D1 & D2 level, our hope by placing our players and those teams in DCC, DYSA will prevent lopsided game outcomes result in low player/team morale and bad game day experiences.
If a parent decides to remove a player after finding out their child’s placement,
NO REFUND will be provided
Goalie Team Placement Process:
The DYSA goalie team placement process has been established for goalies entering the 3rd grade and above. This process aims to objectively evaluate players and facilitate the selection of teams.
The process encompasses the following steps:
- Members of the DYSA Selection Committee, along with the DYSA Head of Goalie Coaching, regularly attend games each season to observe and take notes on identified goalies.
- Each goalie will undergo an evaluation by their spring season team coaches. This includes submitting two evaluations for each goalie: one from the head coach and one from a designated assistant coach.
- The DYSA Goalie Assessment Session will be conducted for all incoming U12 and U14 keepers by our DYSA Head of Goalie Coaching and members of the DYSA Selection Committee.
- For the Calibration Match, the DYSA Team Placement Committee aims to observe each goalie during the spring season in a game setting. However, this is not always possible. Consequently, the committee may request a goalie's participation in a calibration match to gain additional insights into their gameplay. This opportunity is selectively offered to certain goalies.
- The DYSA Selection Committee Board members will compile all data and convene the DYSA Team Placement Committee to discuss the results. This committee comprises DYSA Board members (President, VP of Coastal Youth Soccer, VP of Mini Youth Soccer, Pathway to Soccer Excellence Leader and selected board members) and all Head Coaches specific to a girls/boys age group.
The criteria for goalie placement include:
- Assessments from the Goalie Assessment Session and Calibration Match
- Knowledge of players' skills and abilities by coaches and the DYSA Team Placement Committee
- Input and coach assessment from the previous year/season
- Player's commitment to full-time goalie status
- Player's capability as a goalie
- Player's attitude and work ethic
DYSA prioritizes goalies who are fully committed to playing in the goalie position full-time at the MTOC level. Players who are dedicated to the keeper position full time and exhibit the right attitude and work ethic who are capable goalies may be selected over those who are not committed to playing full time as a goalie.
In the event of injury, illness, or other special circumstances, the DYSA leadership will consider all other completed evaluations conducted by DYSA Leadership, past evaluations, and other knowledge to best assess the goalies' particular merits for placement.
If a parent decides to remove a player after finding out their child’s placement,
NO REFUND will be provided